Terms of Use

The copyright for all contents (digital assets) published under the domain andrejzdravic.com, including photographs, photograms from films, sounds or film soundtrack samples, video or excerpts from video (films), and texts by AZ, are protected by copyright laws and are the property of Andrej Zdravič. Your access to and use of the andrejzdravic.com pages and its contents is for your personal use only. You may not reproduce, record, publish, modify, re-sample, embed in another site, or distribute any of Andrej Zdravič's digital assets for any purposes, including commercial purposes, without express prior written consent. 


Web site design: Andrej Zdravič
Photographs, photograms from films, video, sound samples, texts: Andrej Zdravič
Editors: Andrej Zdravič and Marjola Zdravič
Translation (reviews, quotes from ES, FR, IT, SR, SL): Marjola Zdravič
Photo of AZ by Dr. Franjo Zdravič, California Pacific coast, 1981
Implementation: Denis Jančić, Scios